You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me / Patch It Up 

Modified: June 11, 2019

Artist: Elvis Presley
Release: RCA Victor 447-0678 You Don't Have To Say You Love Me / Patch It Up (45)
Release Date: 10/25/1971

Gold Standard Series


Disc: Red label.
Matrix numbers: ZPKM-1608 4S A4 / ZPKM-1628 6S A4 (machine stamped) (Indianapolis pressing)
Matrix numbers: ZPKM-1608 4S / ZPKM-1628 6S A5 (machine stamped) (Indianapolis pressing)
Matrix numbers: ZPKM-1608 6S B1 / ZPKM-1628 6S A5 (machine stamped) (Indianapolis pressing)


Disc: Black label, dog near top. Gold Standard in white on top.
Matrix numbers: ZPKM-1608 6S B1 / ZPKM-1628 6S A5 (machine stamped) (Indianapolis pressing)


Disc: Black label, dog near top.
Matrix numbers: ZPKM-1608 6S B1 / ZPKM-1628 6S C1 (machine stamped) (Indianapolis pressing)
Matrix numbers: ZPKM-1608 30S Shelly 9-1-77 / ZPKM-1628 30S Shelly 9-1-77 (machine stamped) (Santa Maria pressing)

Originally released by RCA Records on as You Don't Have To Say You Love Me / Patch It Up.