Guitar Man / Faded Love 

Modified: September 5, 2020

Artist: Elvis Presley
Release: RCA PB-12158 Guitar Man / Faded Love (45)
Release Date: 1/1981


Cover: Picture sleeve front and back.1


Disc: Yellowish label, NOT FOR SALE.2
Matrix numbers: PB12158A 7S RANDYS ROOST R6645 / PB12158B 2S RANDYS ROOST R6644 (hand etched) (Indianapolis pressing)


Disc: Black label, dog near top.1
Matrix numbers: PB12158A 2S RANDYS ROOST / PB12158B 1S A1 RANDYS ROOST (Indianapolis pressing)4

  1. Images from the collection of Roberto.
  2. Images from the collection of DarylR.
  3. Images from the collection of Roberto.
  4. Matrix numbers from the collection of Roberto.